(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ ENGLISH 5152 | ABOUT ME ♥

Hello, my name is Christina Yoo and my pronouns are she/her. This is a blog that I've had even before I began my graduate studies, so please don't mind the other previous and random posts. I have a rambunctious, chubby, little hamster named Rumble who loves eating sunflower seeds. I am in my final semester in the graduate program. My primary option is Rhetoric & Composition and my secondary option is Literature. The reason why I decided to get an MA in English is because I had always wanted to advance my education in a major that I enjoy being in. In addition, I want to specifically focus on my primary option, as I believe that Rhetoric & Composition has many complexities that it takes several semesters or perhaps years to master and sharpen. Recently, I was hired as a full-time marketing copywriter and this opportunity was a definite blessing for me, especially during this time of a pandemic. I guess you can say that this is my "professional" job. My relationship to digital texts and technologies are normal and ordinary. In this time of digital use and social media, I am just normally accustomed to adjusting my life around a virtual learning platform. What I am mostly interested in learning from this class are media studies and the rhetoric of advertisements. Let's do our very best this semester! 😄

Glancing over a peaceful pond at a park near my house. Photo taken by my artistic sister who used an old-school film camera. 😎


  1. Christina,

    I'm glad you made a blog despite being a busy grad student like the rest of us. Again, I'm happy your poem was featured in the literary mag where I had been rejected before. Let's finish this final semester with a bang! Congratulations on being a content editor. I said this in Maura's post, but it would really cool if you and her, including Monique, Maria, and Ana start your own small press devoted to Fantasy pieces.

  2. Hi Christina!

    Its good to see you again in more of my classes! I too have an adorable little friend like Rumble. His name is Spirit, my sassy Chinchilla son. He is always running around in his cage making all sorts of noises. Even sometimes trying to contribute to the conversations. He to likes sunflower seeds and will always eat those first in his food. I agree with Jesse, we all (you, Maria, Monique, Ana and myself) should start our own small press! I think it would be fun! :)

  3. Christina,
    Hello! I'm so glad to see you (virtually, of course) again! I am very jealous of the fact that you have a hamster. I've always wanted to raise one, but my father is very afraid of rodents (though I'd argue that a hamster is way cuter than your average mouse) so I''ve never had the chance to have one! I'd love to get to know more about your profession! It sounds really interesting! I hope to become a fan of your blog!

  4. Hi Christina, I miss our group chats too. It was pretty fun and enlightening how a simple short group discussion can reveal so much new insights, I swear Maria always blew my mind when we spoke. I absolutely love your blog, it's so cute and adorable. OMG you have to share pictures of Rumble! Also I would love to collaborate with you on a piece, it would be awesome. Congrats on the new job, I think that it sounds awesome. I also agree that rhetoric is very complex, it's almost like a never ending onion, there's always another layer beneath the one your at and each one just keeps on making you cry lol. I can't wait for all the new and interesting discussions we are going to have this semester.


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